Workplace-integrated learning for technical specialists with a vocational background.
Employees who started their careers with vocational training - in many countries in the form of dual education - can progress to level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). In many companies, experience shows that once established at this level, this group of employees rarely progresses professionally beyond it. However, such development may correspond to a desire for advancement, but it may also be a necessary reaction to changes in the world of work (e.g., "digitization," "Industry 4.0"), in which tasks for the middle qualification level are often lost. However, the next higher positions are usually filled by people who have higher academic qualifications; in the case of technical professions, these are usually engineers.
The aim of the project is therefore to develop qualification paths and strategies for the target group of technical specialists with dual training that enable them to develop at an academic level without having to apply for a full course of study. Instead, the aim must be to design and implement workplace-integrated ways of developing competencies. Concepts for this approach are to be developed and tested, which will then be disseminated in the partner countries and beyond. In the long term, this should open up additional avenues for professional development.
All learning maps for self-organized learning on project leadership can be found on our open learning platform:
Dr. Jörg Longmuss
You can reach Jörg Longmuss on the following channels:
+49 30 2345 7496
Prof. Dr. Florian Schindler
You can reach Florian Schindler on the following channels:
+49 30 4504 6001
Prof. Dr. Bente Nørgaard
Oscar Helfferich
You can reach Oscar Helfferich on the following channels:
+31 71 545 1234
Intellectual Outputs
IO 1 - Competence Development in the Workplace
Download the Intellectual Output in your language:
Deutsch -
IO 2 – The „Agile Learning“- Approach
IO 3 – A guide for coaches
IO 4 – A Guideline for Employers
IO 5 – Learning Cards on Project Management – Basics & Agile
Download the Intellectual Output in your language:
PM Basics - English
PM Basics - Deutsch
PM Agile - English
PM Agile - Deutsch -
IO 6 – Learning Cards on “Change” in Project Management
IO 7 – Learning Cards on Sustainability in Project Management
IO 8 – Learning Cards on Intercultural Project Management
Project Meetings
09 Oct 2017
09. - 10 Oct 2017 -
Sustainum Institute - Berlin -
Kick-Off Meeting of the ALTEF project in Berlin
Transnational Project Meeting
26 Feb 2018
Transnational Project Meeting
26. - 27 Feb 2018 -
Aalborg University -
International project meeting of ALTEF partners.
Multiplier event
19 Sep 2018
Multiplier event
19. - 20 Sep 2018 -
SEFI Conference Copenhagen<br>Aalborg University, Copenhagen Campus -
Multiplier event and Transnational project meeting
Multiplier Event
21 Mar 2019
Multiplier Event
21. - 22 Mar 2019 -
OTIP Campus, Woerden<br>LOI, Leiderdorp -
Multiplier event and Transnational project meeting
Transnational Project Meeting
08 Jul 2019
Transnational Project Meeting
08. - 09 Jul 2019 -
Aalborg University, Copenhagen Campus -
International project meeting of ALTEF partners.
Training activity
02 Sep 2019
Training activity
02. - 13 Sep 2019 -
Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Berlin -
Training activity on the use of flashcards with international students as part of a summer school.
Closing event
09 Oct 2019
Closing event
09. - 10 Oct 2019 -
Sustainum Institute, Berlin -
Closing event of the ALTEF project in Berlin
El proyecto ha sido posible gracias a una subvención de la UE del programa ERASMUS+ para Asociaciones Estratégicas y cuenta con el acompañamiento de la Agencia Nacional Educación para Europa del Instituto Federal de Formación Profesional de Alemania.
El apoyo de la Comisión Europea a la elaboración de esta publicación no constituye una aprobación de su contenido, que refleja únicamente las opiniones de los autores, y la Comisión no se hace responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.
A menos que se indique explícitamente lo contrario, todos los materiales publicados como parte del proyecto están bajo la siguiente licencia: